
TEST : Online - 6. Sınıf İngilizce Telling The Time, Simple Present Tense Testi

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Online - 6. Sınıf İngilizce Telling The Time, Simple Present Tense Testi


A: .................
B: He sells meat

A) What does a farmer do?
B) What a farmer does?
C) What does a butcher do?
D) What a butcher does?


......... she always ......... early?

A) Does / get
B) Do/get up
C) Does / gets up
D)Do/gets up


A: .......................... ?
B: I have lunch at twelve o'clock

A) What time you have lunch
B) What time you do have lunch
C) What time do you have lunch
D) What time have lunch you


A: .............................?
B: He goes to bed at eleven o'clock

A) What time he goes to bed
B) What time he goes to bed
C) What time he go to bed
D) What time does he go to bed


What time is it? 04 : 30

A) It is quarter past four o'clock
B) It is quarter to four o'clock
C) It is half past four o'clock
D) It is four o'clock


Find the mistakes

A) 09 : 20 it is twenty past nine
B) 08 : 30 it is half past eight
C) 02 : 45 it is quarter to two
D) 11 : 13 it is thirteen past eleven


Soldiers ....................

A) makes wars
B) defend their countries
C) repair cars
D) examine people


______ pulls out teeth

A) An engineer
B) Dentist
C) Engineers
D) A dentist


A: .................
B: He puts at fire.

A) What a fireman does
B) What a fireman do
C) What does a fireman do
D) What do a fireman do


A: ........................ ?
B: I rarely go to the theater

A) How often do you go to the theater
B) How do you go to the theater
C) How often you go to the theater
D) How you go to the theater


My sister / sometimes / book / read

A) My sister sometimes read book
B) My sister read sometimes book
C) My sister sometimes reads book
D) My sister book reads sometimes


You / often / brush teeth / ?

A) Do you often brush your teeth?
B) Does you often brush your teeth?
C) Do you often brushes your teeth?
D) Do you your teeth brush often?


My grandmother ............. is ever year.

A) visit
B) visits
C) don't visit
D) doesn't visits


What time is it? 12 : 20

A) It is twenty past twelve
B) It is twelve past twenty
C) It is twenty to twelve
D) It is twelve to twenty


What / your brother / interested in / ?

A) What your brother interested in?
B) What is your brother interested in?
C) What your brother is interested in?
D) What is interested in your brother?


Odd one out. ( Farklı olanı bulunuz )

A) Rarely
B) Just
C) Often
D) Never


I ......... table tennis but Susan .........

A) don't like / does
B) like / don't
C) don't like / doesn't
D) like / likes


What time is it? 6 : 50

A) It is ten past six o'clock
B) It is ten to six o'clock
C) It is ten to seven o'clock
D) It is ten past seven o'clock


I ......... a cup of coffee and Ayşe .......... a cup of tea.

A) want / want
B) wants / wants
C) want / wants
D) wants / want


........... you .......... milk in your coffee?

A) Do / want
B) Does / want
C) Does / wants
D) Do / wants
