
Will or Going To Konu Anlatımı

Ekleyen: ilketkinlik | Okundu : 12113
Kategori : İngilizce Dersi Konu Anlatımları

When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'.
(Gelecekte gerçekleşeceğine inandığımız şeyleri will ile ifade edebiliriz.)

- The President will serve for four years. (Başkan dört yıl hizmet edecek)
- The boss won't be very happy. (Patron mutlu olmayacak)
- I'm sure you'll like her. (Eminim ki sen onu seveceksin)
- I'm certain he'll do a good job. (Eminim ki o iyi bir iş çıkaracak)

If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.
(Gelecekle ilgili konularda emin değilsek, "probably, possibly, I think, I hope" gibi ihtimal bildiren ifadelerle birlikte "will" kullanabiliriz.)

- I hope you'll visit me in my home one day.
- She'll probably be a great success.
- I'll possibly come but I may not get back in time.
- I think we'll get on well.

If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'.
(Mevcut bir duruma veya belirtiye dayanarak gelecekle ilgili tahminde bulunurken "going to" kullanırız.)

- Look at the clouds. It is going to rain. (Bulutlara bak. Yağmur yağacak.)
-Not a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another warm day. ("Gökyüzünde tek bir bulut bile yok" ifadesiyle bugünün de ılık olacağı tahmininde bulunuyor.)
-Look at the queue. We're not going to get in for hours.
-The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight.
-Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee.

At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to'.
(Karar verme anında "will" kullanırız. Kararınızı verdikten sonra kararınızla ilgili konuşurken "going to" kullanabilirsiniz.)

-I'll call Jenny to let her know. Sarah, I need Jenny's number. I'm going to call her about the meeting.
-I'll come and have a drink with you but I must let Harry know. Harry, I'm going to have a drink with Simon.

Başka bir konu anlatımı

Functions and examples - will

1. We use 'will' to give or ask for information or facts about the future.
(Gelecekle ilgili konularda bilgi edinirken, soru sorarken vs "will" kullanılır.)

Her parents will be here in about an hour.
All her friends will come to her wedding.

2. We use 'will' for plans or decisions made at the time of speaking.
(Konuşma anında yapılan plan veya kararlarımızı ifade ederken "will" kullanırız.)

"We need some paper for the photocopier." "Okay, I'll go and get some."
"What would you like to eat?" "I'll have a pizza please."

3. We use 'will' to predict the future.
(Geleceği tahmin ederken "will" kullanılır.)

I think it will rain tomorrow.
Al Pacino will win the award for Best Actor.
Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup?

4. We use 'will' to predict the present.
(Bulunduğumuz anla ilgili tahminlerde bulunurken "will" kullanılabilir.)

Don't phone her now, she'll be busy.

5. We use 'will' to offer to do something.
(Tekliflerde bulunurken "will" kullanılır.)

I'll take you to the airport tomorrow.
That suitcase looks heavy, I'll carry it for you.

6. We use 'will' to agree to do something.
(Anlaşmalarda "will" kullanılır.)

Okay, I'll come with you

7. We use 'will' to promise to do something.
(Söz verirken "will" kullanılır.)

I promise I won't tell anyone you broke the window

8. We use 'will' to make requests (or give orders).
(Rica ederken veya birşey isterken "will" kullanılır.)

Will you open the door for me please?
Will you marry me?
Will you shut up please?

9. We use 'will' to refuse to do something or talk about refusals.
(Birşey yapmayı reddederken "will" kullanılır.)

No, I won't cook your dinner, you can cook it yourself.
I've asked him but he won't do it.

Functions and examples - going to

1. We use 'going to' for plans or decisions made before speaking.
(Konuşma anından önce alınan kararları veya gelecekle ilgili önceden yapılmış planları ifade ederken "going to" kullanılır.)

Is John coming home soon? - Yes, I'm going to meet him at the airport tomorrow.
I'm going to watch TV in a minute, because my favourite programme is on.

2. We use 'going to' to predict the future based on present evidence.
(Mevcut belirtilere dayanarak gelecekle ilgili tahminlerde bulunduğunuzda "going to" kullanmalısınız.)

Look at the sky. It's going to rain soon.
Germany have just scored. England are going to lose again.

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